Mentorship - 1on1 Structure Update + ThinkOrSwim Setup

Hey Everyone,

Quick update, I got a handful of DMs and we quickly ran into a scheduling issue with time available vs requests as most are on the weekends.

I just provided remote-desktop support for one of the members who needed help setting up with ThinkOrSwim!

I will import my levels and chart grid setups FOR YOU which is a free 30min ThinkOrSwim setup when you book any of the sessions below.

Download AnyDesk! I will get you set up and show you how to use ThinkOrSwim!
Link to AnyDesk is here -->

3 Important Updates:

1. PLEASE HAVE a microphone for Discord or I will provide a Phone Number to dial into through using Zoom Conference software.

2. CAPPED 5 Seats Available - Someone mentioned a good point why not do a very small BootCamp with 1-on-1s. Since this is capped at 5 people this allows you to speak freely as you may have the same question as someone else and also drive someone else's creativity to branch off on those questions! This will be more time efficient on my behalf as 90% of what I will discuss individually will be done via a group setting so it eliminates me being repetitive.

3. 1-on-1s - After the session, a private link will be sent to book your 1,2,3 hr private sessions with me. We will go over whatever charts you want, past examples, your style, and building a consistent trading system.

4- OPTIONS: This will be CAPPED AT 5 PEOPLE MAX per weekend

A. Power Weekend 2hr session + 1hr 1on1 - $500
B. 2x Weekend - 2hr sessions  + 2hr 1on1 - $1,000
C. Power Month 5x weekends - each weekend 2hr sessions + 3hr 1on1 - $2,500
D.  1 Month - Fully Private 1-on-1 = Total of 25-30 sessions - $5,000

 This is COMPLETELY separate from the blog as it is a big mental and time investment on my part that comes with its' own cost. You can choose to lose 87k as some people have before coming to me or be guided by me to the best of my ability.

There are NO refunds for mentorship as the same with school you don't get a refund after college.

Testimonial from 1 Month Student

All Testimonials can be read in Discord or at



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